My dear sheep,
Find below the readings for today!
Pastor Logan
The theme for tonight is the confession of sin. We must recognise that we, our churches, and our nation, are sinful. So we come to the Lord to pour forth our hearts and seek his grace. Use the following texts to fuel your own prayers in this regard.
Breakfast Reading: Psalm 51
Lunch Reading: Nehemiah 9:6-37
Dinner Reading: Daniel 9:3-19
A Hymn for Fuel
Lord, to you I make confession: I have sinned and gone astray;
I have multiplied transgression, chosen for myself my way.
Led by you to see my errors, Lord, I tremble at your terrors.
Yet, though conscience' voice appall me, Father, I will seek your face.
Though your child I dare not call me, yet receive me in your grace.
Do not for my sins forsake me, do not let your wrath overtake me.
For your Son has suffered for me, giv'n himself to rescue me,
died to save me and restore me, reconciled and set me free.
Jesus' cross alone can vanquish these dark fears and soothe this anguish.
Lord, on you I cast my burden—sink it in the deepest sea!
Let me know your gracious pardon, cleanse me from iniquity.
Let your Spirit leave me never, make me only yours forever.
Author: Catherine Winkworth and Johann Franck (1653)
A Guide to Word and Prayer
Find below a general guide for spending time in prayer with the word.
Set aside 30 minutes
Read through the text twice (5 minutes)
Read and pray through the text (15 minutes)
Take time to meditate (think/ponder) on each section or each verse, considering what the author is saying.
Pray to God what the Word is communicating.
For example Psalm 85:4, "Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away your indignation toward us!" You could pray for God to not be angry with Manurewa, but rather visit us and restore salvation to the people.
Read through the text one more time and then pray for whatever the Lord puts on your heart (10 minutes)