My dear sheep,
Find below the readings for today!
Tonight we are going to be seeking the Lord's face for our nation. We desperately need the Lord to revive our land. As we see sin and corruption in so many areas, it is right for us to cry out to the Lord for her.
Pastor Logan
Breakfast Reading: Psalm 46
Lunch Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Dinner Reading: Revelation 19:1-10
Hymn for Fuel:
God of Nations at Thy feet,
In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific's triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.
Men of every creed and race,
Gather here before Thy face,
Asking Thee to bless this place,
God defend our free land.
From dissension, envy, hate,
And corruption guard our state,
Make our country good and great,
God defend New Zealand.
Peace, not war, shall be our boast,
But, should foes assail our coast,
Make us then a mighty host,
God defend our free land.
Lord of battles in Thy might,
Put our enemies to flight,
Let our cause be just and right,
God defend New Zealand.
Let our love for Thee increase,
May Thy blessings never cease,
Give us plenty, give us peace,
God defend our free land.
From dishonour and from shame,
Guard our country's spotless name,
Crown her with immortal fame,
God defend New Zealand.
May our mountains ever be
Freedom's ramparts on the sea,
Make us faithful unto Thee,
God defend our free land.
Guide her in the nations' van,
Preaching love and truth to man,
Working out Thy glorious plan,
God defend New Zealand.
A Guide to Word and Prayer
Find below a general guide for spending time in prayer with the word.
Set aside 30 minutes
Read through the text twice (5 minutes)
Read and pray through the text (15 minutes)
Take time to meditate (think/ponder) on each section or each verse, considering what the author is saying.
Pray to God what the Word is communicating.
For example Psalm 85:4, "Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away your indignation toward us!" You could pray for God to not be angry with Manurewa, but rather visit us and restore salvation to the people.
Read through the text one more time and then pray for whatever the Lord puts on your heart (10 minutes)