Welcome to a shepherd's pen. If you thought that was a play on words, you are correct. It may have been an accidental play on words, but it is a play on words, nonetheless!
This blog is named, 'A Shepherd's Pen', because it is directed from a shepherd's hand to a shepherd's flock. I wanted to briefly introduce why I (Pastor Logan) have created this blog.
The Purpose
The purpose of this blog is to provide a way for me to communicate with you (my sheep) in a way that is much simpler than emails and newsletters. As a shepherd, I frequently stumble across a variety of important things that I would love to share with you all. However, it is not easy to achieve this. This, Lord willing, is the solution. So, in a nutshell, this is a place for your shepherd to communicate with you outside of Sunday.
The Content
So what are you going to find in this place? You will find quotes, recommended material for consumption, answers to your questions, a comments section to interact together, warnings about matters swirling around the internet, and anything else that mind come to my mind! On top of this, I would delight to share and interact with things that you find interesting.
Worth adding that I am not going to be working to create highly polished content. It'll be a bit rough around the edges. In my mind, that is okay. It is simply the thoughts of the shepherd to the sheep.
The Frequency
I have no idea. To be honest. The Lord knows. However, worth noting that this will replace the weekly newsletter, "Gems from the Pages". If you have been blessed by that, I trust that you will be equally blessed by this. I will send out an update about this matter to the newsletter email list.
The Audience
As you might have picked up from the introduction of this post, the intended audience of this blog is my own congregation. My aim is for the shepherd of Covenant Presbyterian Church, to have the sheep at CPC in view, and them alone. If other sheep from other pens are blessed, that is wonderful, but I will be very glad if only my congregation read my posts, because they are the sheep I have been given to care for.