My dear sheep. One more sleep till we gather in the presence of the Lord again. What a joy and privilege! This week I am in Gisborne preaching, so Pastor Geoff will be preaching and leading the services for us. Please pray for him.
Morning Sermon
Title: God’s Image Restored: Regeneration as Renovation
Text: John 3:1-15
Suggested Reading: Genesis 3 & John 3
Pastor Geoff Macpherson, "Although we are fallen image-bearers, the Spirit applies to us Jesus’ work on the Cross to open our spiritual eyes, change our desires, cleanse us from sin, and give us eternal life."
Evening Sermon
Title: Every Christian is a Temple, a Priest, and a Sacrifice
Text: 1 Peter 2:4-10
Suggest Reading: 1 Peter 1-2
Pastor Geoff Macpherson, "Christians are more than just ‘saved.’ We are living stones in God’s temple in which we also serve as royal priests, offering ourselves as living sacrifices."