My dear sheep. One more sleep till we gather in the presence of the Lord again. What a joy and privilege! This week we have Pastor Egimar preaching in the morning and I will be preaching in the evening. Please continue to pray that the Lord might pour forth his blessing upon the word.
Morning Sermon
Title: A Heart in Heaven Committed on Earth
Text: Acts 1:6-11
Suggested Reading: Acts 1-2
John Piper, "Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't."
Evening Sermon
Title: One of a Kind Ministry Preparation
Text: Matthew 3:1-4:11
Suggest Reading: Luke 3-4
Alexander Maclaren, "The principle underlying [Jesus'] baptism is the principle underlying His incarnation, His life of obedience and identification of Himself with us, and His death. ‘He also Himself likewise took part of’ whatsoever His brethren were partakers of, and therefore He was ‘numbered with the transgressors’ in that, needing no repentance, He submitted to the baptism of repentance, and cleansed the cleansing water by being plunged in it."