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We are passionately committed to local and overseas missions. Therefore we pursue active engagement in and support for mission work in New Zealand, in Japan, Vanuatu, Asia and Africa.

We do this through prayer, finances, and service.

Image by Brett Zeck


Youth Group

For youth aged 13 years and up. Meets at the church on Friday nights from 7:00pm to 9:30pm. We get together for time in God's Word and fun activities.

Bible Studies

There are various different bible studies for a variety of different ages and groups of people. We have three ladies' bible studies and three bible study groups led by elders. Please speak to one of the elders if you are interested in joining in.

Corporate Prayer

Daily prayer chain

Prayer points are distributed each weekday morning by email to a faithful group of prayer warriors.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Thursday Prayer Meeting

From 7:30pm to 8:30pm each Thursday we meet together to commune with God through prayer.

From 7:00am to 7:30am each Wednesday we meet before work to pray together for our work and God's help in devoting ourselves to him in our workplace. After our time of prayer, one of our baristas will send you to work with a free cup of espresso coffee!

Men and Women's Prayer Brunch

Each month we have a prayer brunch for the men and women. The men get together at 10am on the first Saturday of the month and the women on the third. Come and join us for great food and a time of prayer.

Christian Education

On the church site and next door, we have education opportunities for all ages.

Art Fun
Science Courses

Covenant Kids Preschool is a licensed learning centre for two to five-year-olds. Our preschool is run by the Manukau Christian Charitable Trust in partnership with Covenant Presbyterian Church. We are a family-orientated preschool offering Christian education in a loving, caring environment.

Manukau Christian School is a Cambridge affiliated private school catering for primary children in Years 1 to 6, emerging adolescents in Years 7 to 10, and senior students in Years 11 to 13.
We lay a solid biblical worldview foundation so that children are soundly equipped to develop into mature Christian men and women.

We are a New Zealand – based, non-denominational, evangelical and reformed theological college committed to training and equipping men and women to effectively serve the church of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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